A few of you began your journeys as Planeswalkers during the Brother’s War on Dominaria. Others fought battles during the Ice Age as empires fell. Many joined the guilds of the world city of Ravnica or helped defend Innistrad during Avacyn’s absence. Now begins your greatest journey in the 20
Tag: gathering
Dark Realms M14 Tournament Legal Deck
60 card tournament legal deck Creatures: Nightmare Thrill-Kill Assassin Lord of the Void Xathrid Necromancer x2 Crypt Ghast x2 Shadow Alley Denizen x3 Liliana’s Reaver x4 Nightveil Specter x4 Liliana of the Dark Realms x2 Spells: Rise of the Dark Realms Corrupt x2 Doom Blade x4 Grave Betrayal Sanguine Bond
Magic the Gathering; Orzhov Guild M13 Black/White Angel/Demon Deck
I honestly didn’t intend to build a token deck. I began playing Magic the Gathering with the release of it’s 3rd edition and since that time have been fascinated by the set’s vampires and angels. Having only a Serra Angel in the first few sets, I incorporated the Sengir Vampire into a black/white deck to better enhance
Magic: The Gathering Featured in New Fantasy-Themed Exhibit at Seattle EMP Museum
Wizards of the Coast today announced that its popular Magic: The Gathering franchise will be part of a new fantasy exhibit debuting at Seattle’s EMP Museum next weekend. The exhibit will display several key pieces from Magic’s archive of incredible world-building imagery alongside artifacts from high-profile pop culture and fantasy