Maniac, Hammerhead, Shakespeare, Superstar and Gunslinger — brought back to life from a comatose state by Omen Enterprises with bleeding-edge technology neural implants that allow them to mimic Harbinger abilities one at a time. Their mission: to oppose the machinations of Toyo Harada and the Harbinger Foundation. Together they make up the elite of the Harbinger Active Resistance Division — the H.A.R.D. Corps!
Hop into the wayback machine as we look back at December, 1992 and the launch of H.A.R.D. CORPS #1! Spinning out of their first appearance in HARBINGER #10, the HARBINGER ACTIVE RESISTANCE DIVISION was a highly skilled strike team run by Omen Enterprises, deployed in Omen Enterprises’ war against Toyo Harada and his Harbinger Corporation. Each member had the ability to mimic the powers of the Harbinger team members thanks to the help of their neural implants and their operator codenamed “Software”! H.A.R.D CORPS #1 was brought to you by David Micheline, David Lapham, Bob Layton, and David Chlystek (that’s a lot of Davids!) this month, 30 years ago!
You can read H.A.R.D. CORPS #1 with your Comixology Unlimited account HERE and as always, #StayValiant!