Metric’s Letter to You‏

Pagans in Vegas art


Letter to You,

Life is beautiful. The world is cruel. Music still matters. I have personally wrestled with these truths as a musician for 15 years now. So here’s a new one for you: What is there to want that’s worth wanting?

The answer is to want everything, because there is no material equivalent to the feeling we seek. I want it all, I want it all, I want it all, I want it all. If you haven’t already bought your own copy of “The Shade” by now (!) you have probably heard me singing this refrain on the radio. But make no mistake, this is no ode to greed. Think about it. I have literally dedicated my entire life to vibrating the hairs in your ears. This mission still means everything to me even though poof! it can disappear in an instant, if it ever even existed at all. The only things worth wanting, that you can ever truly own, are your own experiences, your actions, your friendships, your own story.

Look at what remains of the “music industry.” It’s a land populated by two kinds of people: those who are driven by an immeasurable capacity for love that is also a source of seemingly endless energy, the original fountain of youth…and everybody else. Obviously our camp resides in the first category, somewhat embarrassingly. After all the action we’ve seen, we should really just be hardened professionals by now instead. And yet our dedication to the music and our tribe seems to exponentially expand with a diminishing regard for any of the practical rewards and accolades you’d think would motivate us to succeed.

We’re too far in to cash out. And too far out to cash in.

All that seems to matter to us is that we have you, whoever you are, and you have us, whoever we are. As of today, we are six albums deep with no sign of stopping, so it looks like we’re in this together. We’ll soundtrack the highs and lows of your life, and in turn you’ll be there with us at the shows, in the elegant theatres and in the weird parking lots of the world, braving the crowds at venues named after banks and fast food conglomerates. Because, hey kids, guess what? It’s worth it.

To quote Jimmy: Pagans in Vegas is about people with a conscience, for better or worse, playing around in the arena of unconscionable behavior. And all we want is to feel like all we got didn’t cost us everything, even if we never win.

You can pre-order Pagans in Vegas today, so by all means please do. The album officially comes out September 18, 2015, but you can download my fave track “Cascades” today if you pre-order, which I highly recommend for many reasons. All the details are at your good old local corner store We also made an autographed, limited edition EP that’s available now on cassette, you can get it from us directly at our website and at shows while supplies last.

The Shade EP
Kicking off the Smoke & Mirrors tour in Portland tomorrow, beyond excited. Until we meet again… Just keep going strong with whatever it is that’s compelling you on.



P.S Here’s a sneak peek at the band’s new look. We’ve all had some work done, obv. Still in the game, man. Still in the game.

nouveaux animaux

© Metric