Psssst…. New COMBICHRIST!! And Mindless Self Indulgence remix record!

If you’ve been following these rabble rousers and their very unique brand of manic electronica and body-pummeling punk-metal-techno, you’d have a slight inkling what this record sounds like, but just an inkling. It takes their dark dance/mosh music to an even further extreme… but that’s the way we like our Combichrist.  Be sure to check out “Love Is A Razorblade”, the first single “From My Cold Dead Hands”, and the awesome send up “F*** Unicorns”.

And following the “F***” thread, Mindless Self Indulgence has released their remix collection for the song “F*** Machine”.  It’s 11 versions by the aforementioned Combichrist, fellow Reybee clients KMFDM, Mustard Pimp, etc.  It’s pretty mindblowing.

Mindless Self Indulgence Fuck Machine                                                                             Metropolis Records                                                                             14 January 2014
Mindless Self Indulgence presents Fuck Machine, a collection of drastically different takes on the title track. This release features 11 versions, including remixes by such names as Combichrist, KMFDM, Mustard Pimp, a version with Chantal Claret, and new versions by Jimmy Urine himself. Surprisingly diverse takes on the song make this release something for everyone who enjoys MSI. Also included is a remix of “Jack You Up.”

Combichrist We Love You                                                                             Metropolis Records                                                                             25 March 2014
Combichrist returns with an all new album and an all new positive outlook! On We Love You, Andy LaPlegua and his merry band of loveable scamps have traded the nihilistic vitriol of Making Monsters for a shiny new perspective. Why, in the opening track, “We Were Made to Love You”, Combichrist kicks things off by saying “please, don’t forget… We Love You”! See? They love us! Granted, it’s followed by the words “now die” and thus begins the bone-crunching, anthemic opening song.
Ok. Who are we kidding? This is Combichrist. And the new album, We Love You, is Combichrist turned up way past ten. Everything is farther, faster, and darker. There are more guitars, pounding drums, heavier electronics, further experimentation, lots more anger… and its tons more fun.
C’mon, maggots, join the party.