The Walking Dead Prepaid Visas Have Arrived!

by Brian Huntington

Here’s something cool: reached out to us to see if we wanted to do a series of Prepaid Visas with them that had Walking Dead art work on them and it seemed like a really cool thing to do. After whittling down the art options we’re super happy that we have these final seven options. I’m a sucker for customized art on cards, so I’m really happy to see these come out so well.

They’re prepaid, you load them up with cash (you can even do direct deposit if you’re so inclined), they’re accepted anywhere you can use a Visa card, no credit checks, and no overdrafts. If you have a teenager that doesn’t spend all their time being surly and playing Call of Duty it’s a great way to manage their allowance (do kids still get allowances?). Or load one up with your Comic-Con budget so you don’t overspend on Adventure Time beanies. In short, if you’re going to get a prepaid charge card, get a badass Walking Dead one.

Here are the options:
